Tag: Bible study

Cold or Lukewarm https://youtu.be/ocfjIetuQK8 Support the Ministry Here
In Order to make it and see the Kingdom of God you must come as a little Child https://youtu.be/1myusgN2qZQ Support the Ministry Here
The whole system is created for slavery of all races. It's time to wake up and understand this delusional reality https://youtu.be/Bw2RTxWSvds Support the Ministry Here
The way of Salvation Matthew 19:16... The Supreme question before every person in this world is, what must I do to have eternal life? Eternal life in God's kingdom is worth more than all this world. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and...
Millennium The word millennium comes from two Latin words, Millie, which means 1000, anus, year. It means 1000 years. https://youtu.be/TMd-IF0V52A 1 M Revelations 20:5 This 1000 year is bonded at each end , or marked off, by two Great resurrection's. The use of the word “first” in Revelations 20:5 proves that there would...

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