Sweet Potato Found To Inhibit Colon & Lung Cancer In Vivo
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A study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry [1] has found that sweet potatoes, especially the purple kind, have strong anticancer properties. Sweet potatoes contain a type of starch that our body breaks down into a substance called butyric acid. Butyric acid regulates the immune function of the gut, reduces inflammation and can cause cancer cells to self-destruct. Besides butyric acid, sweet potatoes also contain high levels of anthocyanins which can suppress the growth of colon cancer stem cells. The anticancer property of anthocyanins was so potent it was able to inhibit the growth of colorectal cancer cells by as high as 48 percent. [2]
Another study supports this claim. In a study published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology, [3] the authors found a protein in sweet potatoes that can effectively stop the proliferation and metastasis of colon cancer cells in the laboratory. This protein, aptly called sweet potato protein or SPP, is a breakthrough substance in the field of cancer research.
Sweet Potato Protein Can Stop Lung Cancer Metastasis In Vivo
Given that SPP can strongly inhibit colon cancer growth in lab tests, it’s no surprise that according to animal research findings, it can do the same to lung cancer in mice. This could translate to possible lung cancer human application in the future.
Purple Sweet Potatoes Show Potential As A Treatment For Breast And Stomach Cancers
In the early research findings, purple-fleshed sweet potato extract showed promise in inhibiting the growth of both breast and gastric cancer. Researchers are now convinced of the potential application of sweet potatoes in both the nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industry. [4]
Tips For Getting The Best From Your Sweet Potatoes
Baking is the way to go: Baking is a delicious way of enjoying sweet potatoes, not only that, a finding published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry [5] says it is healthier. Weirdly enough, sweet potatoes when baked produces an extract that was confirmed to induce death in leukemia cell based on lab studies.
Keep The Skin On: Peeling sweet potatoes can be a chore. So it’s great news that you may not have to peel them at all. Lab research has shown that the skin contains constituents that are rich in antioxidants capable of protecting against head, neck, breast, and ovarian cancer. [6]
Additional Health Benefits Of Sweet Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes Are Rich In Nutrients
Sweet potatoes are naturally rich in vitamin A, C, B1, B2, B3 and a whole host of minerals. Added to that, they are also rich in fiber and boast a low score on the glycemic index scale. This makes them perfect for those looking for ways to help them lose weight and regulate their blood sugar. [7]
Sweet Potatoes Are Great For Weight Loss
The same sweet potato protein mentioned earlier has also been linked to weight loss. Japanese researchers noticed that when mice are fed a high-fat diet together with SPP, their blood tests showed decreased levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, and elevated levels of hunger-controlling hormones. This provides proof that sweet potatoes can be beneficial when used in a weight loss diet. [8]
So the next time you visit your grocery, give sweet potatoes a shot. You’ll get more than what you are paying for and then some.